Another beautiful day. It started with breakfast at a full table of 8, one other couple from Canada. We were having a boring discussion about where we had been and who was taking care of dogs at home when one of the women mentioned they had lived in Malaysia. After a break in the conversation I asked if either of them had read The Garden of Evening Mists and she lit up saying it was her favourite book. The conversation around the table became animated about that and The Narrow Road to the Deep North, and then onto the ANZAC role in WW 1 & 2 and what a price their countries paid in proportion to their population. They now lived in Perth, whose economy is based, like Alberta's on energy and mining. He had just been laid off but at this stage of his life not worried. It was amazing how similar our provinces were. Suddenly an hour had gone by and it was time to get on with the day.
My hostess and I mapped out a walking route around Nelson (there are books on walking Nelson) and I headed out along the little river to the start of the track going to the 'Centre of New Zealand'. It was a steep, hot, humid climb and just as I was nearing the top a mother and her 4 year old daughter skipped on ahead of me. Yikes, she had climbed the whole way and still had energy to run a ways to show me how good she was at it. The view from the top I hope you can see, was amazing. There was group of young Chinese there who wanted to take pictures of the little girl and were insistent even though she didn't want them too. I gently interrupted and they got the message. The little girl and I shared my water and after the group left the mom took my picture for me but not with the little girl. When I got to the bottom I went to where the art gallery was supposed to be but it had just been moved but further onthe Queen's Garden and the Chinese Garden were both lovely. The light too hot for pictures and the photographer too hot and tired to be much good at it so I came home and rested for a couple of hours until the light softened.
This is the little, river I walk along
And under one of the bridges is a street art project for youth
What I really like about NZ is that they have are and poetry posted
in all sorts of public places
And I love the big trees
The view from the Centre of New Zealand
More art and more birds in the Queens Garden
I walked over to the gardens and they were quiet and peaceful. On the way back along the river a woman was feeding the birds. I asked her what the name of one was and she told me her life story. Mostly about loosing her husband three years ago and having a hard time of it. She was also worried that people thought she was 'a little off', which she was, but sweet. Since she couldn't seem to stop talking I suggested we walk together until I got to my bridge and then she walked further along with me to my place and wished me well. I had bought earlier a take away salad and it was a good ending to a good day and I still have the other half of my route to do tomorrow.
The Bridge to the Chinese Garden
Perfect rose to end a perfect day
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