Monday, 15 February 2016

A Day of Rest

The drive over was beautiful and an exercise in frustration as there were no places to pull over and get pictures of the beautiful landscape it being Sunday and a lot of traffic for a side road. I felt tired and woozy so passed up on a couple of walks. It was only a two hour drive over to Kietkuri where I got groceries for the last time, a weird feeling.

The whole area was this green and it reminded me of Ireland

After all the activity the last few days I crashed when I checked into this nice little motel. There are only 14 units and it is comfortable with a great view down to the flatlands where the Maori did their trading and where the canoes departed with 500 chief to sign the Treaty of Witianga with the British in 1840. The flatlands were a traditional meeting place for Maori and often there would be 60-100 war canoes drawn up in the area where the camp ground now is.

My family is full of good news, sick kids and missing having easy access to me. We will make it up when we are all together after I return.

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