After a much needed rest we were ready to hit the road. We came out to snow covered vehicles. The roads were wet as the snow melted as it landed. Just outside of Butte there is another 17 mile long pass. It started snowing again in earnest at the top. It felt easier the second day, or I was more confident with Striders ability to manage the grades in manual and with the ability of our little convoy to navigate the curves. As we came out onto the plane the clouds lifted and the snow stopped. The rest of the drive was fine, but long because we had had to go slowly.
We made it through customs in record time and it felt like such a relief to be back in Canada. The sun came out just across the border as if we needed reminding how lucky we are to live here. It was still cold so we checked into another Comfort Inn, ordered pizza, Nancy made one of her famous salads and we had a picnic dinner so we could get to Eye in the Sky, a gripping movie about the ethics and cost of drone warfare. Afterwords we celebrated the last night of our journey with ice cream and called it a good day.