Moab to Bear River Bird Sanctuary
We packed up and were on the road by 10 headed for Bear River Bird Sanctuary just north of Salt Lake City. It is one of the largest Refuges in N. America. It rained most of the way up and I was tired by the time we got there. The skies cleared just as we got to the Refuge. We saw a lot of birds along the 12 mile route and took turns walking along the dikes but the view from the car seemed to work best as the vehicle acts as a blind.
This visit really was all about the Pelicans
Not only were they photogenic but they had personality
Gary found his own little ducky
We were staying at the Perry KOA which was just a mile or so from a movie theatre. We skipped dinner and went to see the Jungle Book. A great show to use as a mental break from the driving. It was also a community experience going to a small town theatre.