This is out of sync and should be before The Last day post. Sigh...
It was a good last day. The police called to say they had my purse and we could come down to the station to pick it up. By the time our day was done and the rain pouring down we decided to go tomorrow after most of the troops have left. Pretty amazing they have it and so quickly.
We went to a Noh lecture by an older woman who also made masks. She did a good job reviewing what the themes of the plays were and the roles of the actors, musicians and interlocutors. She said we could look at the masks but not touch as she used plant based materials that wore off easily. I though Noh lasted 4-5 hours but apparently an hour or two for most of them. I would like to see one live.

We went to a nearby restaurant for lunch and when we came out it was pouring rain which didn't stop us from going to our last shrine as a group. It was wet and crowded and hard to get pictures. We had to wait for taxi's and finally just walked tot he subway which worked well. I feel like I'm getting to be an expert on subways of the world.
The shrine itself is one of the largest and had huge beams, you couldn't find trees large enough now but it was too hard to get a good image. Many shrines have had to sell the land around them as the land especially in Kyoto and Tokyo is so valuable. In the shopping mall by our hotel there are two beautiful shrines that are in the midst of the stores. Some might say they are easily accessibly.
It was late afternoon, pouring rain and I took time to work on photo's and try to rest before our last supper. It was a classic Japanese meal. When I get hone I will have no idea how to order but am familiar with common dishes. Before I came people were saying I wouldn't get sushi much and that has been occasionally true but we get sashimi, raw fish, with every meal. I am getting able to tell when it is fresh and good quality.
At any rate at dinner we had our goodbyes, everyone said a few words after Beatrice proding us. The common theme from both guides and our group was what a friendly, easy group we were. Most of my favourites went for dessert at the bakery next door afterwards. A good, low key way to end the session.
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