Monday, 5 October 2015

Chocorua New Hampshire


After a late breakfast I went into Freeport to check out LL Bean. It was amazing, the perfect tasteful New England shopping complex.  There are 5 separate stores specializing in bicycles/kyaking, clothes, camping, home furnishings (who knew) and an outlet store. They are open 24/7 every day of the year and have no locks on the doors, the handles of which are paddles.  There are also lots of other stores like North Face, Patagonia, J Crew, and trendy restaurants. I wanted to buy some things but no one had what I needed. How weird.  Everything is in a 3-4 block grid with waterfalls, sculptures and great landscaping. I wish I had taken pictures. I did come upon a chocolate factory on my way out of town and bought ginger dipped chocolates to help cure my cold.

Then I made the big mistake! I had been told by several people that the biggest fair in New England was on in Freyburg and that I should take it in. I somehow envisioned something like Topsville, the oldest fair in New England.  Not a chance.  This was huge, once you were on the road to it there was no way to get off.  The cars inched their way along looking for a place to park. Every house within miles had turned their yard into a parking lot and on a Monday of a work week the place was packed. The conveyor belt I was on went right past the fairgrounds.  There was every conceivable fried food, candy, rides, and wall to wall people. When I finally got to where the traffic lightened up I asked a volunteer how to get to the road to take me to the Big Whites he said I had to turn around and go back the way I came.

After I got over being beside myself I had a good time people watching as I crawled back to the right highway. The best part of the day was driving through the fall colours. They are really starting to happen now. Tonight I am at a nice KOA with 5 miles of trails. I started out on them tonight but chickened out after twisting my ankle a couple of times on unseen cracks in the trail and worrying about how I would get back if I really injured myself. 

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